simple steps to work toward ditching the scale and finding freedom in listening to your body.
If you are someone who consistently weighs yourself, it’s likely that rather than being helpful, this activity may be taking a mental toll on you.
In the past, we’ve talked about how natural fluctuations in weight occur and are completely normal (it’s when we begin to intentionally control weight through diet and exercise that weight cycling occurs, which is harmful to our health).
We’ve also talked about how everyone has a set point weight range – a range of weight at which our bodies are most comfortable, happy and productive.
Therefore, if you step on the scale everyday, it wouldn’t be unusual to see a different number each time (this is even more true of those stepping on the scale multiple times a day). While this act of getting on the scale may make you feel as if you’re more in control, it’s likely adding unnecessary stress and anxiety to your day.
Let me ask you something (and be as honest as possible with yourself when answering): when you step on the scale, does the number impact your mood? Does it determine whether it’s going to be a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ day? Does it raise or lower your self-esteem, determine what and how you’ll eat or move your body that day? Giving the number on the scale enough power to determine your mood, day or sense of self worth means giving it way too much power.
One of the most powerful acts you can do to respect your body and lean into trusting your innate signals is to simply ditch the scale.
And while it would be wonderful to simply leave it at that, I know that it’s much more complicated than simply throwing out your scale and feeling freed from it. Just the thought of doing so may produce even more anxiety than the act of weighing itself. It may make you feel like you’re spiraling out of control not to know that number. And I want you to know that if you’re feeling that way, you’re not alone.
Because of that, I’ve created a completely free downloadable activity for you to utilize to help you slowly work toward freeing yourself from the scale in a way that works for you. I had to do this same work myself when working to free myself from diet culture many years ago and let me tell you – it took some effort, but I’ve never looked back. So yes, taking the power away from the number on a scale can feel scary at first, but ultimately it’s one of the most liberating feelings to no longer let that number rule your life.
I hope this free download brings you some much needed peace and relief from any anxiety you’ve been feeling, and as always feel free to reach out if you have any other questions, comments or just need a little extra support!

Have more questions on this? Feel free to leave me a comment below, shoot me a DM on Instagram or send me an email!
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