Sharing a list of my favorite kitchen tools that keep me healthy all year long!
- Spiralizer – Spiralizers are a great (and fun!) way to incorporate more vegetables into our diets. Not only can you make vegetable noodles (like these super simple zucchini noodles or these spicy sweet potato noodles!) but you can also add spiralized veggies to salads and yogurts or make spiralized “french fries” out of pretty much any vegetable by roasting them!
- Food processor – I use my food processor for everything from homemade nut butters and hummus to my favorite spinach walnut pesto and delicious smoothies. It’s a great, versatile kitchen appliance and encourages you to make a home things that you might otherwise buy (helping save yourself money and potential unnecessary additives!).
- Fruit Infuser Water Bottle – This is a great way (I find) to get myself to drink more water! Sometimes just a little natural flavor allows me to down 2-3x the amount of water I would normally drink. It also saves me from sugar and calorie-laden beverages like juices and soda!
- Slow Cooker – Another great kitchen investment. I can tell you from experience there is nothing better than setting up a gourmet meal in the morning and coming home to it fully prepared later that night. It has saved me from many a take-out night when I just don’t feel like cooking!
- Lunchbox – Similar to my “cook more” advice from my Do This for a Healthier Year post, bringing lunch rather than buying lunch will save you added (and often unnecessary) calories, sugar, fat and sodium – but more than that it should also save you money! A cute little lunchbox is a great way to motivate yourself to bring rather the buy.
All of these are great! While the lunch box may not be seen as a “tool” it definitely should be a must have in every kitchen to maintain healthy meals while out of the house.