Meals from the week!
BREAKFAST: 4-ingredient green smoothie plus a Van’s 8 whole grain multigrain waffle topped with crunchy peanut butter (just now realizing that was the exact same breakfast I had 2 Mondays ago!)
LUNCH: Turkey and hummus on whole wheat with mixed greens and cherry tomatoes plus grapes
DINNER: Whole wheat three cheese tortellini with pesto and side salads (mixed greens, walnuts, feta cheese, cucumbers and cherry tomatoes topped with balsamic vinaigrette)
BREAKFAST: The last of my BOGO Brown Sugar Quaker Oatmeal Squares cereal with soymilk, strawberries and coffee
LUNCH: Black bean, corn and chicken enchilada topped with plain greek yogurt, avocado and cilantro (I also had a handful of grapes)
DINNER: Grilled black bean burger on whole wheat with lettuce, tomato, avocado, onion and a pickle plus sweet potato fries at Bad Daddy’s Burger Bar in Charlotte
BREAKFAST: Plain greek yogurt topped with peach, peanut butter and kashi go lean crunch
LUNCH: Spinach, cherry tomatoes, grilled chicken and cheese topped with greek yogurt, hot sauce and avocado
DINNER: Homemade 3-ingredient homemade whole wheat pizza and side salads
BREAKFAST: Two vans 8-grain waffles topped with sunflower seed butter, plain greek yogurt and peach slices
LUNCH: Hummus, feta and veggies on a whole wheat pita plus grapes and strawberries
DINNER: Chicken enchilada casserole topped with plain greek yogurt and blue corn chips
BREAKFAST: Chad took the day off and surprised me with a fun day planned! Our first stop was breakfast at our favorite place in Charlotte, Sunflour Baking Company. I had an egg, provolone, spinach and roasted tomato on whole wheat plus a soy latte.
LUNCH: Pressed grilled veggie sandwich on wheat plus a side salad and a peach
DINNER: Leftovers of our homemade pizza and another side salad
disclaimer: i share these weekly eats for inspiration and because i’m often asked for the recipes on instagram. please note that i do not share these meal plans with the intention of them being prescriptive or because you should eat exactly what i eat. everyone is different and requires different calories and nutrition. if you’re seeking an individualized plan for you, consult a dietitian in your area.
Your meals always look so pretty!! I should work on my plating skills… 😉
Haha – I say as long as they taste good, you’re golden 😉
You are one of the very few food bloggers I see that still chooses soy milk over almond. Just curious your reasons why (I’m guessing because it contains much more nutrients/protein than almond milk?), and what kind of soy milk you drink. Thanks!
Hey there! Honestly for me soy is a preference thing. I do use almond milk from time to time as well but I love the thickness of soymilk in my coffee. Both have their individual benefits – soy is a bit higher in calories than almond milk but it also provides more protein, B vitamins, potassium and magnesium. It’s also lower in sodium than almond milk. If you’re buying a fortified soy milk the Vitamin A, D and Calcium profiles should match up well to almond milk but they will fall short if you’re not buying fortified. Soy also has a bit of saturated fat whereas almond milk does not and almond milk provides Vitamin E that soy doesn’t. Ultimately it comes down to what you prefer as both have plenty of good to offer!
As for the soymilk that I drink, I love Silk, Trader Joe’s and most of my generic store brands in their original flavor – as long as it’s fortified so that I’m getting the calcium, I’m usually pretty happy. Hope that helps 🙂
Hi there! Your eats always look amazing and your photography is beautiful, but I must ask, is that really all you eat? No snacks or anything? I understand people don’t always need snacks but considering how low cal your diet is? I mean a bowl of cereal for breakfast and a mini enchilada for lunch? Especaially as you are so active and tall and skinny.
Also where did you get the plate that you used for Fridays lunch?
Hi there, glad you like the series! I pretty much snack every day, I just don’t always include them in these posts. As for what I have and how many times I snack, it totally depends on how hungry I am and what I feel I need or have missed out on at other meals. Most usually I have two snacks a day – one in between lunch and dinner and one after dinner and while I don’t count calories, I would estimate my snacks are between 200-300 calories each. When I eat cereal (which is almost always a high fiber option) I usually have more than one serving so at 210 calories per serving, it usually does just fine to fill me up when paired with fruit and about a cup of milk. As for the enchilada, the picture may be deceiving but they’re definitely not mini! They’re almost like burritos and once paired with avocado and greek yogurt and a side of grapes, it was a wholly satisfying meal for me. I would estimate my daily calorie intake to be around 2,000-2,200 calories a day so I personally wouldn’t call it low calorie, but I guess it depends on what your definition of “low cal” really is as I’m sure everyone’s is different.
While I maintain a normal, healthy weight for my height and activity level with the diet that I eat, it certainly doesn’t mean that it’s right for everyone else. I offer these posts up mostly for inspiration and meal ideas, definitely not because I believe people should eat exactly what I eat – we’re all different!
As for the plate for Friday’s lunch – I recieved mine as a gift but others have told me that they sell it at Uncommon Goods 🙂
Hope that helps clear some things up! Let me know if you have any other questions 🙂