free printable download helping you determine how long different fresh produce lasts!
I’ve gotten a number of questions about how to make the most of your produce with a 2 week grocery shop.
My advice is to utilize the fresh produce that lasts 1 week or less within the first week (see chart below for what those are) and then rely on heartier/longer lasting produce as well as frozen produce in week 2!
Use the below charts to help guide your meal planning so you’re getting the most out of the groceries you’re buying!
Hope this helps! Have questions about other items? Let me know in the comments!
Sharon Spitzer says
I am interested in knowing how long after the best before date you can safely use food (those kept in the pantry or the fridge. Thanks
Cait says
Hi Sharon! The FDA says that “quality dates (such as “Best If Used By,” “Use By,” and “Sell By,” which are used to describe when a food may be at its best quality) indicate the food manufacturer’s estimate of how long a product will retain its best quality. If stored properly, a food product should be safe, wholesome, and of good quality after the quality date.” Hope that helps 🙂
Helen says
How long does fresh garden squash last after cut up and put in ziplock bags in the fridge
Cait says
Once cut, if stored in an airtight bag or container, it should last at least four days 🙂
Caroline says
There are quite a few things mentioned in your list that should NEVER be kept in a fridge…
Cait says
Thanks for sharing! Feel free to share your expertise in the comments! 🙂
Belinda says
I would like to print the list but it won’t let me. My email is
Please email the list to me so I can print it. Thank You
Cait says
Hi Belinda, here is the image – you should be able to print from there! Let me know if you’re still having issues 🙂
Brian says
how long does a carton or a
12 eggs last, past the experation
Cait says
Hi Brian! This list focuses on fresh produce, but per the FDA’s website, “quality dates (such as “Best If Used By,” “Use By,” and “Sell By,” which are used to describe when a food may be at its best quality) indicate the food manufacturer’s estimate of how long a product will retain its best quality. If stored properly, a food product should be safe, wholesome, and of good quality after the quality date.” Hope that helps!
Shellee says
Very interesting Are there other recipes?
Cait says
Hi Shellee – you can find recipes in this section of my site or use the “Recipes” drop-down menu at the top of my site to find a specific meal type 🙂
Lucky says
Information was very helpful hence the need to know more about other fruits and vegetables. Thanks
Darlene Benjamin says
Thank you very much
Mimi says
Best way to keep bananas and tomatoes
Cait says
Room temp for both! With bananas, afteer about 2-5 days in a fruit basket, you can peel and place in an airtight container and freeze to use in smoothies 🙂
Melanie says
How long do MUSHROOMS last? Is there a way to make them last longer without freezing them?
Cait says
Hi Melanie! Food52 wrote a great piece on storing mushrooms that I’ve found super helpful for myself. Here it is:
Suzanne says
It seems that produce used to last much longer, as stated in your charts. What we are getting from our grocers lasts about 1/2 as long as was you are stating. Anything to help prolong produce life besides proper storage? Thanks!
Cait says
Storage, temperature and what you’re storing alongside the produce items are definitely the biggest factors. Here’s a great write-up I’ve found helpful that goes much more in-depth on all of that! 🙂
Suzanne says
Recipes sound really yummy and healthy.
Suzanne says
Great information to have on hand.
Also recipes sound really yummy and healthy.
Felicia Echols says
What about mushrooms? I don’t refrigerate them (they get slimy), put them in the pantry (usually lightly wrapped in paper towel) next to the potatoes
Cait says
Ah interesting – I think you’re onto something! I’ve heard mushrooms stay fresh longer if you take them out of their container and wrap them in paper towels then store them in open paper or plastic bags in the fridge. Here’s another, more in-depth write up on it: