Let’s catch up, shall we??
First off – I’ve missed you guys!
Secondly, thank you to all of you who have asked how school is going. I’m happy to say I’m still absolutely loving it. I’m learning A LOT (as evidenced by my lack of posts lately) – and I’m soaking up every last bit of it.
So here we go…
It’s finally getting to be sweater weather around here…and I couldn’t be more excited about it.
Fall clothes are the best.
I’ve been eating a lot of quick and easy meals…but they’ve been working just fine for me! Maybe the more I adjust to this new school schedule the more I’ll be able to really plan ahead and do batch cooking on Sundays so we can just heat and eat <— my favorite way to get food on the table these days!
(I’m on a big oatmeal kick lately if you couldn’t tell)
Workouts lately have consisted of a lot of cardio (elliptical and running) and pilates/yoga sessions. It feels SO good to be back in a regular workout routine again. I was going crazy at the start of school when I hadn’t fully figured out my schedule yet!
Other than that there’s been a whole lot of studying, visiting family and not much sleeping! The life of a grad school student huh? 😉
Those are some good looking eats!
Glad school is going well and you’re settling into a schedule. Happy hump day!
Thanks Laura! And you too! 🙂
Your breakfasts look so delllicious!! 🙂
Thank you! They most definitely were! 🙂
so glad you are enjoying school! I have got to say I am jealous!
Haha thank you! 🙂
It makes me so happy that school is going well!! I miss you and your frequent posts, but it helps that I can imagine you loving your life right now.
(Also that 5:16 pace on your garmin is blowing my mind. You are my hero.)
Aw thanks friend 🙂 I miss posting! I can’t wait to get back to a more regular schedule! (and haha – I think something is wrong with my garmin…there is no way I hit that pace!)
Glad you are loving school! All of my meals are super easy and fast. It’s the only way in college 🙂
Despite the busy schedule your eats still look delic! Hope you’re liking what you’re learning 🙂
Thanks Allison – I’m LOVING it 🙂
I love that smile on your face! I’m so glad things are going well with school and life right now!
Thanks Sarena 🙂
You make me nervous, but also excited about the potential of being a future grad school student…maybe…we’ll see….maybe…. 😉
Haha it’s a lot of work but it’s SO gratifying! I love how much I’m learning and I love that it’s in an area that I’m so passionate about 🙂 As long as you pick a program you’re excited to learn about, it’s so worth it!
Grad school was tough! I didn’t have a weekend for three years!!! But totally worth it… and I love school! And I love your hair by the way. Super cute.
Aw thank you! And I agree…grad school is definitely no joke but it’s so worth it 🙂