In order to enjoy a peaceful relationship with food and movement, you must divest from the diet mentality. If you read my Breaking Free From the Diet Mindset post, then you know that this is no easy task.
Especially for those just starting to explore some of their most deeply seeded thoughts around food and body, rejecting the diet mentality can feel like too tall an order.
I like to recommend instead, simply trying to notice the thoughts that come up. Once you do, you can take a moment to consider if they are based on diet culture rules. If they are telling you what, how, when or why to eat & move, they are part of the diet mentality.
The act of simply paying more attention to your internal dialogue is an important first step in rejecting the diet mentality. The more you pay attention, the more likely you are to catch those thoughts that are steeped in diet culture. From there, you’ll be better equipped to start talking back to and reframing those thoughts, as I talk about in this post.
If you are new to the experience of reclaiming a calm relationship with food and body, take the next week to simply consider some of your thoughts around food & body (you could also write them down if you’re a more tactile person). You can try putting them up against the what, how, when or why barometer, but you don’t even have to go that far yet.
Regardless of whether you put them up against the diet mentality barometer, simply recognizing the thoughts you have around food & body is beneficial. The more you dig into these thoughts, the more likely you are to begin taking note of those that may be keeping you stuck in the diet cycle.
If you’re further along in your anti-diet journey and can easily recognize the thoughts you have that come from the diet mentality, check out the prompts I’ve included in this post so that you can begin rejecting and reframing those thoughts into anti-diet/intuitive thoughts.
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