helping you solve the biggest pain points in your life right now.

Guys! Thank you all so much for sharing your struggles with me today. It seriously means so much to me that you feel comfortable opening up and trusting me with those things that are most difficult in your life. If I could, I would reach through my phone and give each and every one of you a long, “it’s all going to be okay” hug!
While there are some things that came up today that I don’t necessarily have a resource for yet, I wanted to tackle those that I do have resources for while I work on compiling additional materials for uncovered topics!
I’ve tried to go through and group your questions into categories so that I can touch on as many topics as possible to help as many of you as I can. If you don’t see your specific struggle in here, either I need to do a little more research on it or I’m already working on putting together something to help you out!
- Quick & easy meal building
- Packable lunch ideas – more coming on this!
- Meal Prep / Grocery shopping
- Meal Plans (also here) – more coming on this!
- Snack ideas (plus road trip snack ideas)
- Easy dinners – more coming on this!
- Healthy Eating on a Budget Series – all meals for 1!
- Family Meal Ideas – you can find these in my Instagram highlights!
- Easy meal ideas for the busy student
- Giving up Control
- Intuitive Eating Series
- Learning to Respect Your Body (& Stopping the Comparison Trap)
- Thoughts on Popular Diets – let me know if there are any you’d like me to add!
- Vegan & vegetarian protein sources
All About Sugar – carbs are coming next! - How to deal with fear foods
- All about Owen’s schedule (birth to 1 year) – will update to include changes from years 1-2
- All About Owen’s eating (birth to 1 year) – will update to include changes from years 1-2
- All About Feeding Toddlers
- 22 Toddler Breakfast Ideas – will put together a post on main meals / packed lunches next!
- Traveling with a toddler
- Nutrition for Nursing Mothers
- Nutrition during Pregnancy – one note on this is that at the end of the day, eating what you can keep down is most important! It’s OKAY if you can’t stomach a wide variety. Worry about overall calories first and add variety as you’re able – especially if you’re taking a prenatal, your nutrient base should be covered.
- Fueling Your Workout
- Running with a toddler
- Cold weather running tips & gear
- Half marathon training
- Also check out my friend Sarah at Bucket List Tummy – she’s an RD and a marathoner and has great advice for fueling, staying motivated and training!
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